Circumcision is satanic traumatisation of the young as soon as they come into the world. It is an ancient trauma-based mind control ritual designed to harm the child and to literally manufacture a slave-like highly aggressive order-follower. The bond between mother and child gets broken because the mother neglects her duty to protect the child and gives him away to the dark occultists. Just like the ancient sacrifice to Moloch, the parents would willingly give their children to be sacrificed, that's what this is about. Think about how many ways we are offering up our own children to this whole satanic medical system, and to this whole system of religious ritual, because of the beliefs that are entrenched in culture. It's diabolical. The psychological effects of circumcision cause intimacy issues. It spikes cortisol, and is an attack on the synapse point between man and woman, the place where creation is; that is basically severed. How deep can you get with that. And then the woman might want to save her child from that abuse and the father says "No! I want it done, I want it to look like me", and it's as if the father doesn't want to look at the trauma that he endured as protection for his own sanity. He's going to give his son the same torture so that he doesn't have to look at the fact that he was tortured himself. The dark occultists behind all this who are running this world know what they are doing, at all levels. They know everything there is to know about us, how we work physically, mentally and emotionally and they know how to diminish all of those aspects of the individual.
Don't strike yourself out
The symbolism of the three wise monkeys tells of the strategy that each monkey had one defect but the two other senses worked. The deaf monkey used his sight to observe all around him and judge evil actions and used his voice report them to the second monkey who was blind. All the second monkey had to do without needing to see was repeat what he heard to the third monkey who was mute, and as this one couldn't talk, the message was lost at the end of the line. All he could do was observe the fate that would befall the unfortunate one and sit and watch it happen. What a way of genius the gods had for shutting them up, each one assigned the job of not interrupting the bad dream where everyone lies in tombs. In Japan the monkey became a negative symbol, if you give someone there a monkey as a gift it means you wish them dead. The proverb of the three monkeys that see, hear and speak no evil seems to point to someone who doesn't want to be involved in a situation. Turning a blind eye to what 'is' because it's perceived to be 'just the way life is, it's just the way things are', is to LIVE evil - or rather not live, and just be struck out. How bleak. A fourth monkey should come in and say Live No Evil. Reverse the word "evil" and you get "live". Live and let live! Allow life! You are All That Is and Ever Will Be Everywhere and Life Eternal. Open your eyes, listen and say something, for Heaven's sake. It's not, and never should be, 'just the way life is, just the way things are'. Harsh words. Thinking this is damning yourself off from Life.
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Thursday, November 28, 2019
The Church of Satan
Coming straight from the Church of Satan's official website, what this 'Church' puts forth is pure atheism. The FAQ tab on their Home Page takes you to a page called Church of Satan Frequently Asked Questions. Its list of topics covering many areas are detailed by rather boring explanations. On the topic of selling souls, they don't believe in souls, they say. To the question How do I sell my soul? They answer: "Satanists do not believe in God, Satan, Heaven or Hell. There are no souls - and nobody to buy them. If you want something out of life, get off your lazy butt and work for it". That last sentence, with that arrogant slave-driving coldness, how many times do you typically hear that from the society around you? Life is about service to self, human nature is self-centered, their self is their God. You recognise that trend in society? Their High Priest says Atheist is a step-up to being I-theist. iPhone anybody? (Staring into the Black Mirror screen). Their stance on morals is moral relativism and the self is the most important person in a subjective universe. They say the Church of Satan is nothing to do with the Illuminati or Freemasonry, those are just conspiracies, or with Bohemian Grove, that is just a men's club. Someone asks advice about their experiences with demons attacking them, and their answer is that they do not believe in supernatural beings or spells and "seek help from local mental health professionals to assist you to get over these delusions". How many times do you typically hear that from society, and from those in major professions? For someone to be initiated into join the Church of Satan, they do very extensive psychological profiling in their joining process. They make you write essay-long answers to questions about your background, your psychological make-up and your personality characteristics and preferences. In doing that they have a psychological profile on you. Ever recognised something similar in certain job interviews? (Notice the 'fun' quizzes that pop up on Facebook? Don't fill in any questionnaires, it is trawling your data for The Cloud.) Satanic philosophy runs parallel to the thinking of ordinary society, with an establishment full of service-to-self people. This is the ideology behind the whole political slavery system, the banking system, the corporations, the advisers at Job Centres... they are all satanic. Behind this, they are a techno-occult sorcerers, they are ancient psychological masters and social engineers at work who have studied the human psyche for thousands of years, working with all kinds of societies and think-tanks. People who are going to join them will say "No that's not what's happening". They themselves don't know they are being used as useful tools and fools acting on instructions that have come down from on high from the higher-level dark occult sorcerers and technocrats and think-tanks they've never heard of, using the dynamic of mental, psychological and spiritual manipulation of the highest order. This is subtle mental influence. This isn't something that just announces: "I'm the master of the world, I wanna rule everybody and subjugate them as my slaves, you gonna get on board with that agenda and help me do it?" What do you think, people are gonna go "Yeah sure, let's go! Enslave everyone including me, as your dumb dupe!" That's not how Satanism works. The idea that the greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was to make people believe that he didn't exist applies to this - these people want to remain hidden in the shadows. They don't want you understanding their methodologies and goals. They have the knowledge of all the ancient mystery traditions and know what they are doing, knowing that the dumb bag of shit public knows nothing and they have them by the balls. There are two schools of thought about how satanists and dark Luciferians really operate. The television series that paralleled it the most was True Blood. Just replace 'vampires' with Ruling Class. In True Blood a war breaks out between those who want to remain covert and feed upon humanity from the shadows, and the mainstreaming vampires. This is what happened in the film Blade.between Gitano Dragonetti and his vampire elders, and Deacon Frost and his gang. They that want to go mainstream want that taken out of the shadows so that they can openly say "We're your kings, we're your masters" like they did in the ancient world and if you disobey you die. Overt rule. People are still asleep at the switch and can't see it. The satanists who want to bring it forward want what Alice Bailey and the Theosophical Order refer to as the "externalisation of the hierarchy". This material is out there. There is a book called "The Magic Circle: It's successful leadership and organisation".by Yaj Nomolos, about how to organise a satanic grotto. They put out field manuals on this stuff. It's all out there and they're recruiting people. If you hunt down written material (which they are making it harder to do by censoring and changing algorithms - get off traditional search engines like Google and Yahoo and get on DuckDuckGo or and use BitTorrent for file sharing), there are a mound of books from the Whitehall Church of Satan and some rare stuff is going to be digitized to be put out there from ex-satanist Mark Passio for you to read, who has a library of books he can make into PDF. This also exposes how organised crime is connected with this. One of the things they have always talked about openly in their documents and have been heavily pushing for decades is androgenising society, masculinising women and feminising men, at the hormonal physical level and at the level of epi-eugenics - this is satanic disgenics. This is setting the sexes against each other, destroying human sexuality, important for cohesive bonds between men and women which is going down the shitter in today's world.
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