The last 11 cards of the Major Arcana
of the Tarot show the picture of the Kabbalah’s Macro-cosmic Tree of Life. It is a breakdown of the universal forces at
work in the world in which we all live together. The Hermetic Principle of correspondence
states: That which is like to that above is like that to which is below, and that
which is below is like that to which is above.
The universe is of a holographic nature and reflects the self, and the self is a mirror of
the universe. The universe
and individual are self-similar in every part everywhere on any planet in the
universe. In the hidden knowledge
position on the Tree of Life, we have The World card, at the place from which the Tree emerges in
the position known as “Da'at” דעת, which is Hebrew for “Knowledge”. Da'at is the location where all ten sephirot of the Tree of Life unite as one. Down at the bottom of the Tree at the Malkuth position is the Judgment card, hell, when a society has remained in ignorance and refused to answer the call of creation to awaken, to accept Natural Law and apply it in their life. At the Yesod position (Yesus, Jesus) above Judgment is The Sun, the light and the truth, the truth about what is taking place within and around us. If we don’t accept it we are in for a horrific ride. Sitting on the left-hand side of the Sun is The Moon card which is ignorance and refusal of truth. This is the left-hand path. Moving to the right in the lightning-bolt pattern on the lightning-struck Tree of the Kabbalah, on the right-hand side of the Sun is The Star card which represents acceptance of truth and of our own sovereignty and integrating it into our lives. We become one of the many stars of the heavens illuminating the darkness. Down-to-earth spirituality, the physical domain no different than the spiritual, one foot is in the waters of spirituality while the other is on the earth, the here and now. You bring heaven right down here on earth. The left-hand path led us to hell, the right-hand path leads us to mercy. Above the Sun card at the heart of the Tree in the Tiphareth position is the realm of the Christ energy of universal love where there is beauty and harmony. It is right smack in the centre. This one is The Tower – which represents cosmic change! Change, throughout an entire society, an entire planet, the universe. Change is the only constant. What manner of change we create in the world is a free-will choice. Nothing is set in stone except Natural Law - which will give us either consequence. The left-hand path is the satanic pathway. Progress upward back to the left to the position of Geburah, the middle card on the left-hand path is The Devil, Satan, the enslaver chained loosely to his throne. It represents slavery. You insisted Natural Law was relative and were bound, given all the bondage you wanted and deserved, by the behaviours based on your thoughts that give a severe result when you refuse Truth. The middle card on the right at the Chesed position, is the Temperance card, and leads to freedom. You chose self-mastery and to live under Natural Law. You didn’t try to be the arbiter of truth and morality, didn’t sell yourself to rulers and authority which lead you to death. At the top of the left-hand path is the Death card, total stagnation, extinction as a species. And death was riding a pale horse…you did not get the lessons the universe was trying to teach you. Refusing goodness and objective morality dooms you, and this is the final place where that all ends up, total involution. Death rules here, almost mercifully. This is the card that has the most firm control over humankind in their current reality. Extinction is where our species is headed now if it chooses to stay on the left-hand path in total immorality and ignorance. The cult of death rules our society. Involution. Backwards progression in consciousness. Death is the ultimate expression of that. Step outside your door and go speak to the average trash in major cities to understand how cult-invaded their belief system is. Whether in the sheltered naiveté of rural communities or in the cesspools in the city, neither understand Natural Law any better, the Law of God. They don’t get it, and believe electorates, left wing or right wing, can be the arbiters of law and morality, which is usurping the place of God in Creation, yes, God - all you atheists go fuck yourselves. Cos your religion is the religion here, thinking you’re God, believing in moral relativism thinking there is no higher power than man who can make up what is right and wrong not knowing what’s really going on in the world and believing in the cult called Government when it is a cult of death. And all the imbecilic religions are just as naïve and childish. And the ignorant dunces who can’t believe you can be a non-religionist and not accept the major world religions as truth, and you can also not be an atheist, and not accept that bullshit religion as truth either. Buying into ‘religion v atheism’ is called unidimensional childish thinking. You can’t understand cosmic law under the Creator of the universe does not require belief or religion. And you just can’t keep excusing useful dupes and tools because they are socially-engineered and mind-controlled, that's how they excused the Brown Shirts of Nazi Germany. Weapons are for defence against fucking trash who think that man is the most powerful thing in all of creation, against criminal authoritarian thugs, and for truth and morality and goodness – not love of guns. The control-freak religion of authoritarianism is Satanism. The order followers of the Satanists globalists and social engineers not just the latter. Stop with the "Woe is humanity". It’s on humanity to advance their own consciousness and understanding of what’s objectively right and what’s wrong. Not man’s laws. The Laws of the God of Life. The mind-set of people who say they want freedom, in their understanding and their belief, it is that ‘Satan’, the ‘devil’, is their oppressors’ god. No. Death is their god. The force that the top of the elite society worship is not the Christian variant of a deity traditionally known as ‘Satan’. They worship death. Call it “the cult without a name”. It is a horrific misnomer to call it the ‘Illuminati’. They don’t call themselves ‘The Illuminati’, and neither should you. Don’t give them that calling card. That is a name for the people of the world who are truly enlightened. WE are the Illuminati, the light bringers, not these jerk-offs who are the ‘elite’ of nothing but all the scum that builds up at the bottom of a garbage can. What are they enlightened about? Enlightenment is speaking truth to others, understanding what is true, and moral, and putting it into practice through your actions. Not harming anybody else. That’s not what these pieces of trash are, they’re death worshipers. Refer to them as what they really are: the cult of death. They’re eating us alive because you can never have freedom if you are a moral relativist. It’s not just the individual evolution of the soul, this is the progression of society as a whole, for everyone, not a spiritual elite. God is commanding transformation on the physical plane. Above Temperance on the right-hand path, the Hanged Man is patience, the evolution card, the servant of natural law. It doesn’t mean being a slave. It is like the waiter in a restaurant who takes natural law on a plate and serves it you. He can't make those he serves it to eat it. We wait on other people. Like the Bodhisattva, and story of Jesus, he is the one who keeps coming back to the prison offering natural law until they awaken, until all are free and all are out. Not looking for escape, he has accepted that he’s crucified in the physical domain on the tree, hanging on the “Tree of Life”, which is rapidly becoming the tree of death. His legs are crossed and he has a halo of light around his head. This is the Illuminati card. Moving to the final position in the arcana, Kether, the Crown chakra at the top of the Tree of Life, is the Justice card. Christ consciousness. In the microcosm, self-mastery. In the macro-cosmic tree it is God itself, law itself, justice, natural law, heaven on earth. This is where we should truly be living. This place could be a paradise instead of a prison. It’s a free-will choice that ignorant motherfuckers don’t want to make, because they hate themselves down to the wretched core of their being and think they’re God and can make their own laws up subjectively. That’s called being a Satanist, and anybody is one if they are not sickened, angered and outraged by what they see. Spiritual Justice is the card with two pillars of enlightenment which are non-aggression and self-defence and this totals 11, the King of Creation that governs all creation at the top of the macro-cosmic Tree of Life – Natural Law. He holds the sword of truth and the scales, seated enthroned before the temple of man and in Vedic wisdom is the Crown chakra
Don't strike yourself out
The symbolism of the three wise monkeys tells of the strategy that each monkey had one defect but the two other senses worked. The deaf monkey used his sight to observe all around him and judge evil actions and used his voice report them to the second monkey who was blind. All the second monkey had to do without needing to see was repeat what he heard to the third monkey who was mute, and as this one couldn't talk, the message was lost at the end of the line. All he could do was observe the fate that would befall the unfortunate one and sit and watch it happen. What a way of genius the gods had for shutting them up, each one assigned the job of not interrupting the bad dream where everyone lies in tombs. In Japan the monkey became a negative symbol, if you give someone there a monkey as a gift it means you wish them dead. The proverb of the three monkeys that see, hear and speak no evil seems to point to someone who doesn't want to be involved in a situation. Turning a blind eye to what 'is' because it's perceived to be 'just the way life is, it's just the way things are', is to LIVE evil - or rather not live, and just be struck out. How bleak. A fourth monkey should come in and say Live No Evil. Reverse the word "evil" and you get "live". Live and let live! Allow life! You are All That Is and Ever Will Be Everywhere and Life Eternal. Open your eyes, listen and say something, for Heaven's sake. It's not, and never should be, 'just the way life is, just the way things are'. Harsh words. Thinking this is damning yourself off from Life.
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Saturday, December 7, 2019
Let Us Prey
is religion?
The word religion derives from the Latin,
relegare, meaning to tie back, to
thwart from forward progress in consciousness and from truth. RELIGION is the force that runs this world and is the
ENTIRE problem with this world. The
divide and conquer method weakens us and makes it far easier for them to control
the slave class. The exoteric (outer) aspect of religion, based
on dogma, intended for and likely to be understood by the general public, is designed for mental bondage and thought control, and perpetuates ignorance, and is based upon belief, not on search for truth. Its purpose is to hold people back from understanding the bull’s eye of truth at the
inner core, which is about pure consciousness, and is understood by
only a small number of people with specialised knowledge or interest. Being awake means being free of all false religion. True religion is esoteric and means to
reunite with, to put it back together. Truth is the one and only true religion. The dark priest-class established
all earthly religions and infused these counterfeit belief systems into every major
spiritual tradition, giving exoteric
religion to the masses to hide this core esoteric
truth, to lure people off the ‘path
of righteousness’. A dark priest-class has been ruling this earth for thousands of years, keeping the public in ignorance of spiritual law - which is, as morality increases in any population of souls, the freedom of that society increases; as morality declines, freedom declines in proportion. They were ancient psychologists and social engineers with in depth knowledge of how the human mind works and they invented the media and all systems of enslavement. They don’t have a name, they just are. This
nameless cult is in every denomination of faiths, race, culture and continent. The Flavians were an early ruling
bloodline sect of this dark cult who ruled the original Roman Empire. The
Centurions were the Roman police-force that beat people into submission.
Everyone knew they were a gang of thugs. When you have overt control,
people know they are oppressed, everybody sees it. The people openly revolted, physically. The ruling bloodline had a crisis on their
hands… freedom was breaking out. We can’t
have that. Gotta go back and enslave them immediately. The rulers called this
period the “Crisis of the Third Century”.
This ‘crisis’ had developed in Egypt centuries before, thanks to an
awakening driven by a resurgence of the Mystery Traditions taught at
Alexandria, and these traditions were esoteric Christian thought! It was like a Renaissance. An awakening in the masses did not serve the psychopathic rulers of the Roman
Empire. They had already dealt with
Jewish rebellions a century earlier. The Jews didn’t want to be ruled by the
Romans. No one was respecting their forceful control anymore or swallowing their lies. The Flavian and Neo-Flavian dynasties needed to unite the Roman Empire in order to crush the growing rebellion in consciousness once and for all - before it became a more widespread problem. They needed to do something about it. They unified the Roman Empire under a common state-run religion by changing the problematic early Christian philosophy (Gnosticism). Astro-theology at the time was based on the sun, deified as "Sol Invictus", The Unconquerable Sun. They invented today’s Christianity with Jesus portrayed as ‘the son of God’, knowing he was to take up the role of Sol Invictus, the sun (son of God) of the Roman religion substituting one for the other to give the people the distorted Constantine variant to believe in, molding the modern ‘Christian’ religion onto the pre-existing myths that come from the ancient world regarding the astrological bodies in the heavens: the sun, moon, stars and plants, from which all religions were derived. The Jesus god comes
from earlier solar gods going way back to Tammuz and Nimrod of Babylon, Horus,
Osiris, Serapis, Zoroaster, Dionysus, Mithra, and many, many others, hundreds
of solar deities made into saviour god-men (God’s ‘son’, the sun). The sun
represented knowledge, enlightenment, spirituality, sustenance. These heroes were based on the sun’s
conquering of the night, winter and the darkness within (evil) through the
resurrecting sun. The hugely influential Piso family of the Calpernian
bloodline of Rome had been at work on the ‘Christian problem’ since
the 1st Century AD, and lay the foundation for this new state
religion. The Piso family were the true
authors of the New Testament. This religion was designed to instill in people
the promise of a reward in the afterlife, the
fear of hell, and a philosophy of subjugation. The emperor Constantine, who came from the
Flavian dynasty (Flavius Valerius Aurelius), took up this task. In 325 AD Constantine held the Council of
Nicaea. He gathered all the cardinals and bishops and held them under
duress, under Roman Centurion guard. He
ordered them to develop a ‘legal’ religion sanctioned by Rome, ‘suitable for
the masses’…or they would not leave this room alive. They censored and canonized the texts of the
Bible and eliminated and suppressed hundreds of books of spiritual and esoteric
information, and a whole body of Gnostic scriptures known as the Nag Hammadi Library. Writings that were ripped away included: the
concept of each person’s intercessor-free connection to the Creator, women’s
equality with men in the right to teach spiritual knowledge, and any mention of
soul reincarnation over multiple lifetimes.
You were not allowed to even conceptualise the notion of coming back
here, they wanted the
idea that you only get one shot at it.
They didn’t want the idea sticking around that we have multiple lifetimes in the physical domain
The basis for esoteric Christianity’s philosophies predate the 1st Century AD accounts of Jesus by thousands of years. Gnosticism (from Greek meaning possessing knowledge) was a religious system that had the truth that Christ taught, it was the belief system of the early true Christians. This knowledge HAD to be purged from early exoteric Christianity by the ruling dark occultists in power, to make sure Gnosticism did not gain a foothold in the Roman Empire and threaten their power. Constantine began the suppression of the Gnostics. The Nag Hammadi scriptures and other Gnostic texts such as the Pistis Sophia contained ideas that the rulers did not want spreading wide. They included knowledge of: an unseen world which encompassed cosmic moral law which governs the consequences of our behaviour; rule by the archons (ruling class of earth who are non-human or interdimensional beings, whose plan is to enslave); waking up from worldly illusion; karmic consequence accrued over multiple lifetimes; and rejection of archon authority in favour of the Creator’s moral law! The only authority is the law of the Creator. They knew this. Gnostics taught that there were three soul groups:- the hylics, who are the unconscious who identified with materialism and base instincts, very difficult to awaken; the psychics, the fence sitters who have some simplified consciousness, may be possible to awaken with effort; and the pneumatics, the spiritually awakened who incarnate to become teachers of knowledge. The Crusades in the Middle Ages continued to purg this inconvenient knowledge. The brutal Albigensian Crusade of the 13th Century went on for twenty years, initiated by Pope Innocent III to eliminate the Cathars (a sect of esoteric Christians) in southern France. Pope ‘Innocent’ said that “anyone who attempts to construe a personal view of God which conflicts with church dogma must be burned without pity”. And they literally lit people on fire. They stretched people at the rack, snapping their bones with hammers. The medieval torture instruments were in the realm of nightmares.
The basis for esoteric Christianity’s philosophies predate the 1st Century AD accounts of Jesus by thousands of years. Gnosticism (from Greek meaning possessing knowledge) was a religious system that had the truth that Christ taught, it was the belief system of the early true Christians. This knowledge HAD to be purged from early exoteric Christianity by the ruling dark occultists in power, to make sure Gnosticism did not gain a foothold in the Roman Empire and threaten their power. Constantine began the suppression of the Gnostics. The Nag Hammadi scriptures and other Gnostic texts such as the Pistis Sophia contained ideas that the rulers did not want spreading wide. They included knowledge of: an unseen world which encompassed cosmic moral law which governs the consequences of our behaviour; rule by the archons (ruling class of earth who are non-human or interdimensional beings, whose plan is to enslave); waking up from worldly illusion; karmic consequence accrued over multiple lifetimes; and rejection of archon authority in favour of the Creator’s moral law! The only authority is the law of the Creator. They knew this. Gnostics taught that there were three soul groups:- the hylics, who are the unconscious who identified with materialism and base instincts, very difficult to awaken; the psychics, the fence sitters who have some simplified consciousness, may be possible to awaken with effort; and the pneumatics, the spiritually awakened who incarnate to become teachers of knowledge. The Crusades in the Middle Ages continued to purg this inconvenient knowledge. The brutal Albigensian Crusade of the 13th Century went on for twenty years, initiated by Pope Innocent III to eliminate the Cathars (a sect of esoteric Christians) in southern France. Pope ‘Innocent’ said that “anyone who attempts to construe a personal view of God which conflicts with church dogma must be burned without pity”. And they literally lit people on fire. They stretched people at the rack, snapping their bones with hammers. The medieval torture instruments were in the realm of nightmares.
On top of that, they added to their finalized canon the infamous Romans 13, which canonizes the ‘authority’ of
Man. Note the name of the book: Romans!
Here’s what Romans actually says – read this sheer bullshit:
“Let everyone be
subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except
that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been
established by God. 2 Consequently, whoever rebels against the authority is rebelling against
what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves. 3 For rulers hold no terror for those who do right, but for those who do
wrong. Do you want to be free from fear of the one in authority? Then do what
is right and you will be commended. 4 For the one in
authority is God’s servant for your good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for
rulers do not bear the sword for no reason. They are God’s servants, agents of
wrath to bring punishment on the wrongdoer. 5 Therefore, it is necessary to submit to the authorities, not only
because of possible punishment but also as a matter of conscience. 6 This is also why you pay taxes, for the authorities are God’s
servants, who give their full time to governing. 7 Give to everyone what you owe them: If you owe taxes, pay taxes; if
revenue, then revenue; if respect, then respect; if honour, then honour” – Romans 13, Verses 1-7. If
that’s what your God demands, fuck
your God. Any person that would believe
that this is what the God of Creation would sanction is spiritually
bankrupt. The God of Creation wants us
all to be free, not subjects and slaves to other men and women. The Pope is sitting on about 18 trillion
dollars of wealth at the Vatican. These
people think they are God on earth. Priests
tell you they are holy!
The Jesus character is allegorical, a symbol in astro-theology, and whether or not an actual historical figure, who
cares? It’s the message that
counts. Ironically the message was to reject religion! And authority also. Speaking
such message to the lowest consciousness people of the community trying to uplift their
consciousness. He was the spiritual
warrior, the anarchist. Anarchy does not mean without rules, it means without rulers. Every truly
awake being that has ever existed in has been an anarchist. They teach sovereignty, because every
individual is a sovereign entity. There is no such thing as legitimacy in authority, in ownership and rule of other people. Doesn't it even occur to anyone they cannot serve two masters? Pope
Francis’s said this about libertarians: “I cannot fail to speak of the grave risks
associated with the invasion of libertarian individualism”. Pope Francis said liberty minimises the
‘common good’ and it was an 'antisocial radicalisation'. Pope Francis,
or any pope, was never an anarchist or an awake being. Why did Christ say: “Do not think I have come to bring peace upon the earth, I have not to
bring peace, but the sword”? Who was Christ warring against? The
established religious orders of his time! The Pharisees and Sadducees, the banks of the day charging ridiculous
interest rates on temple coins. The
people who wanted to go to the temple
and worship couldn’t. He freaked
out in the temple and turned all the bankers against him. Who did the crucifixion? The state!
The police and military, the Roman Empire! People get into the trappings of exoteric religion reading scriptures,
and can’t see in them the institutions that this character was warring against,
namely religion and government!!
Why did Christ say: “He that loves his father or mother and son or
daughter is not worthy of me”, why would anyone say that? He said he came to set a man against his
father, a daughter against her mother, and a man’s foes shall exist within his
own household. This means you end up
alone when you have to take real action against violation of your rights. Early Christians were actually militants
against the Roman government, they maintained a readiness similar to a
Militia. Luke 22:36: “Then Jesus said unto them, But now, he that
hath a purse, let him take it, and likewise his scrip; and he that hath no
SWORD, let him sell his garment, and BUY ONE”.
A form of preparedness for self-defence against claims of false
authority and rule. On another level, Jesus is the Christ consciousness within us - we
accept “Jesus in our heart” (heart chakra). Jesus takes the role of the sun, “the light of
the world”. The sun rejuvenates the world each morning and each spring
when the sun rises above the ecliptic. Easter is the east star, the eastern
star. “The World’s Sixteen Crucified Saviours, Christianity Before Christ” explains this. The twelve disciples
are the twelve houses of the zodiac and the cross represents the four cardinal
points on the wheel on which the sun makes its path from spring equinox to
summer solstice to autumnal equinox to the winter solstice (birth, growth,
decay, death) and these are the four gospels. The sun (God’s son, light of the world) dies on
the cross on the winter solstice at his lowest point of power. "Once you have seen me you have seen the Father" - the sun was seen as the representative of the light of the Creator (the mediator) which is taken into oneself in the form of moral knowledge, conscience. This is an allegory of occult knowledge and
at the deepest level, of truth. Christ had said Do unto others as you would have done unto you. Treat others the way you’d want them to treat you. He did not ask anyone to set up a religion in his name. This is what people did after him.
Path of Righteousness
Seven levels of interpretation
Turn the other cheek
Path of Righteousness
This means simple true mortality. Not arbitrary morality. Followers of fake
religion, though, will not accept a standard that they consider ‘wrong’. They will impose
their idea of morality onto an activity that they find distasteful or
aesthetically unpleasant because they don’t approve of it. They want their preferences
violently forced on everyone else by Government. They believe that the
religious authorities can decide which behaviours are ‘sins’ and ‘crimes’ and
make themselves the arbiters of what right and wrong is according to their aesthetic
liking, what they find pleasing or repugnant. Arbitrary morality is moral relativism and that’s Satanism. It doesn’t lead you to the path of
righteousness, you never learn what right and wrong are inherently. Natural law is truth inherent to Creation.
Man’s law is born from a construct of the mind. Natural law is harmonised with through knowing
and understanding. Man’s law is complied with, out of fear of punishment. Natural law exists everywhere universally. Man’s law differs with location
based on the legislators’ whims. Natural law is eternal and unchanging. Man’s law changes with time based
on legislation. “That woman’s skirt is
too short – that’s immoral”… she’s not harming anybody. Or they don’t like somebody who smokes
cannabis, which isn’t unrighteous if it doesn’t involve a victim. Wrong-doing is violent or coercive
behaviour that causes harm to another sentient being’s life, rights or
property. Any action that does not do any
of that is Right. Actual
immorality is to violate another’s rights by some form of THEFT: murder,
assault, rape, property theft, trespass or coercion. These are all taking something from another. The ruling class like it that we do unto
others as we would not want done unto
us. It keeps them in control, because, as
morality declines in any population of souls, freedom declines. As morality increases, freedom increases proportionately. It is law.
Seven levels of interpretation
The Vatican in St. Peter Square (“Peter”
derives from the word Jupiter) has solar zodiac symbolism standing there, an Egyptian obelisk, a phallus, representing the deity Osiris (again, the sun) in the middle. Can’t be more
blatant. Something beautiful they occult and invert to use for negative
purposes. May 1st is their
Walpurgis ritual, August 1st Lughnasadh, October 31st
Halloween or Samhain, and February 1st the Imbolc ritual. Da Vinci encoded astro-theology into his
painting The Last Supper. Jesus represents the
sun in the middle. Seated around him at
the table are four groupings of three disciples, they symbolise the three
months of each season. In The Last Supper painting the spring and
summer side of the room is lit up, the autumn and winter side of the room is
cast in shadow. The four gospels represent the four seasons. To read any scripture there are seven levels of interpretation, not just two, not just literal and allegorical. These are mystical, anagogic, numerical and letter content in scripture, ethical, the allegorical and the literal being the outer exoteric level. For example, turning the other cheek is ethics. The Last Supper is astro-theology. Logic physics and ethics are the three pillars of philosophy. Then there are the three pillars of magic, alchemy, theology and astrology.
Judge Not Lest Ye Be Judged
“Judge not, lest ye be judged” is a
warning to human beings that it is not for them to judge what is right or wrong behaviour according to their own likes and dislikes, whims or preferences. That’s IT. It does NOT mean stay silent and not call others
out on their violent, coercive and harmful behaviour. It does not mean looking the other way. Homelessness is now illegal in some places. Government has outlawed the feeding of
homeless people...and religionists everywhere are silent and doing nothing about
it! People have been arrested for
feeding the homeless. You won’t hear about in in a church, a synagogue, a
mosque, a Buddhist temple… nowhere!
People of a ‘moral’ religion are doing nothing, while Christ’s very word
is being murdered by immoral order-following trash! The greater religious
communities won’t investigate the epidemic of priests throughout the world abusing
children and do not believe it’s a systematic problem. They defer to the judgment of the infested
Vatican and to the police forces, which have a track record of protecting and
participating in crimes and for shutting down good works. The church moves
these parasites from parish to parish to cover up their crimes and they pay off the
victims’ families in exchange for silence.
The families accept payoffs. An
eight year old child who had cancer died, because the police came in on his
cannabis oil medication and stopped it. You
don’t see ministers speaking out against war.
Such talk would go against their true
Religion and threaten their tax-exempt 501C (3) status.
The true meaning of “turn the other
cheek” was to even out the scars on your
face. To continue to bring the truth to people you care about, over and
over, even if they reject you and call you crazy. If they smack that truth out
of your hand, pick it up and give it back to them the next day, in the next
minute even. To endure that rejection of your message so you could plant a seed
until they finally awaken. And the understanding in “They know not what they do” represented sympathising with just how destroyed at the soul level evil doers must be and did not mean allow them to continue to do evil unchallenged. There is nothing holy or righteous about that. This has been
touted as a teaching that we should forgive unconditionally without the moral
prerequisite of contrition, and was added into the New Testament by the Piso
Dynasty that made it about “Stand down!” and never do anything to those who are
physically harming you and taking your rights away. Turn the other cheek did not ever mean
continuing to excuse wrongdoing an infinite number of times and they’re not
even sorry for what they’ve done. These people have no right to do this stuff. Loving
your enemies was never intended to mean being a pacifist. Pacifism is
anti-Christ, for it means tolerating evil in the world and letting run amok. And dangerous, for pacifists
get conquered, they get their fangs pulled out and will curl up in a foetal
position when being beaten on
bad for the rest of the sinners
The true self is concerned with
alleviation of suffering for all, not just alleviating suffering for
oneself. The true self understands what natural
law is and tries to live in harmony with it, and understands what non-dualism
is. There is no separation between
ourselves and others and we are One at one unified level of existence. A damaging notion is “I’m saved and that’s all
that matters”. Too bad for the rest of
the sinners. This is not at all what spirituality is about. Everyone
is suffering if anyone is
suffering. That is the Law of One. If one suffers, ALL are suffering. Read
the parable of the lost sheep, about having ninety-nine and going back for the one that was lost.
Salvation and the 'End is Nigh'
Another treacherous notion which
destroys positive change in the world is “earth is Satan’s kingdom, so why care
about it?” This idea convinces people
that they are powerless and ineffective, and should just submit. Some religious sects actually welcome ongoing
destruction of the earth because they believe this means that the tribulations
of prophecies of the “End Times” are upon us and salvation for believers in the
afterlife is just around the corner.
There is no free will or personal responsibility here. The act of ‘accepting Christ’ to absolve
someone of ‘sin’ without having to change their behaviour, puts
responsibility on an external figure who ‘died for our sins’, to redeem us from
our responsibility for the
continually degrading conditions of the world.
If we just have to believe in something, we don’t have to do any real
good works in the world. The abdication
of personal responsibility is the idea that saviours are tripping over
themselves to come to rescue us from our own ignorance – Jesus, Shiva,
Quetzalcoatl, or the Galactic Federation of Light. The view that everything is pre-ordained,
that it’s all God’s will, so why bother change anything? Action therefore is
meaningless in this world view. Another dangerous line of thought is: ‘God
controls everything nothing happens unless God wills it to happen”… or our guru
or some Ascended Master or extra-terrestrial race who will save us from our own
ignorance. It leads to bondage not
freedom. The Buddhist counterpart of the
saviour mentality in its exoteric form is Buddha and New Age Buddhism that
seeks to embed people in total acceptance of everything, even injustice, evil
and slavery, which makes people inactive observers of evil. But in its pure state, Buddhism embodies
spiritual law via the Four Noble Truths, and how we can remedy suffering by
following the Eight Fold Path. That
part of Buddism explains how we experience exactly what we create: the karmic
consequences of our own behavioural choices. Similar to esoteric Christianity.
Who is Satan?
Religious people don’t know what Satan is really. They think of Satanism as devil worship, revering Lucifer the arch enemy of God. The word “Satan” comes from שטן the Hebrew word “Shaitan”, meaning “adversary”, the one that opposes. It is not a deity. Satanism does not worship a deity and is not about going out in the woods and sacrificing animals. Satanism is an ideology and ‘Satan’ is nothing more than a set of ego-driven values and ways of being in the world that are the polar opposite of esoteric Christianity. Satanists are really more like ancient psychologists who hold and wield hidden information to exploit those who are ignorant of it and they are a diversity of worldwide, interconnected adherents. The trappings of the Christian devil as 'Satan' are used in the modern Church of Satan for two reasons: The first is to make outsiders see Satanism as just another quaint religious belief. The second is to embody the Adversary. This is the opposing force in nature known in the occult world as INVOLUTION. It opposes evolution (evolution in consciousness, not the Darwinian kind) and is our true enemy. This force opposes the true natural law and works against the ordering force to bring in chaos and suffering. By design, the misconception of ‘Satan’ as being a deity causes a lack of understanding of Satanism’s manipulation of our world, hence the inability to identify this enemy. For those who are into Satanism because they want to rebel against Christianity, and think they are going the opposite way, Anton La Vey did the same thing Constantine did. He shaped the knowledge into a modern form of Satanism "La Veyanism". La Vey didn't come up with it on his own, he was tasked to give it to the people as Constantine was tasked to give the fake form of Christianity to the public. He was given the underlying Satanic ideology and was told "Compress this and put this into a book for the masses to read". Here’s how it goes: there’s the general public down at the bottom, and they are infiltrated, at the lower ranks. This level is very low-level. They are contained by the Dark Occult, albeit unknowingly. The Church of Satan is in here, and the Temple of Set etc. The second level up above that are the financial, political, RELIGIOUS (exoteric!) and media organisations who are controlled by the Dark Occultists. At the third level above that, are Higher Level Dark Occult Orders and Think Tank organisations (Bilderberg Group, Club of Rome etc.). Then at highest level right at the top are the Dark Occultists themselves. These are the ancient ruling class bloodlines. This is the sector you do not join and there is no initiation into. You are born into it through blood, and you don’t leave, either. This who this priest-class is. The Venetian Black Nobility.
Religious people don’t know what Satan is really. They think of Satanism as devil worship, revering Lucifer the arch enemy of God. The word “Satan” comes from שטן the Hebrew word “Shaitan”, meaning “adversary”, the one that opposes. It is not a deity. Satanism does not worship a deity and is not about going out in the woods and sacrificing animals. Satanism is an ideology and ‘Satan’ is nothing more than a set of ego-driven values and ways of being in the world that are the polar opposite of esoteric Christianity. Satanists are really more like ancient psychologists who hold and wield hidden information to exploit those who are ignorant of it and they are a diversity of worldwide, interconnected adherents. The trappings of the Christian devil as 'Satan' are used in the modern Church of Satan for two reasons: The first is to make outsiders see Satanism as just another quaint religious belief. The second is to embody the Adversary. This is the opposing force in nature known in the occult world as INVOLUTION. It opposes evolution (evolution in consciousness, not the Darwinian kind) and is our true enemy. This force opposes the true natural law and works against the ordering force to bring in chaos and suffering. By design, the misconception of ‘Satan’ as being a deity causes a lack of understanding of Satanism’s manipulation of our world, hence the inability to identify this enemy. For those who are into Satanism because they want to rebel against Christianity, and think they are going the opposite way, Anton La Vey did the same thing Constantine did. He shaped the knowledge into a modern form of Satanism "La Veyanism". La Vey didn't come up with it on his own, he was tasked to give it to the people as Constantine was tasked to give the fake form of Christianity to the public. He was given the underlying Satanic ideology and was told "Compress this and put this into a book for the masses to read". Here’s how it goes: there’s the general public down at the bottom, and they are infiltrated, at the lower ranks. This level is very low-level. They are contained by the Dark Occult, albeit unknowingly. The Church of Satan is in here, and the Temple of Set etc. The second level up above that are the financial, political, RELIGIOUS (exoteric!) and media organisations who are controlled by the Dark Occultists. At the third level above that, are Higher Level Dark Occult Orders and Think Tank organisations (Bilderberg Group, Club of Rome etc.). Then at highest level right at the top are the Dark Occultists themselves. These are the ancient ruling class bloodlines. This is the sector you do not join and there is no initiation into. You are born into it through blood, and you don’t leave, either. This who this priest-class is. The Venetian Black Nobility.
Mark of the Beast
“Let he who has understanding count
the number of the beast, for it is the number of man”. It is a mistranslation to have translated that as “a man”. It was not stated as such in the Hebrew. It is the number of “man” - meaning mankind. In ancient numerology
666 was chosen to represent humanity in a state of low consciousness. This represents the Beast in man, an
antichrist mentality. Pure egotism, selfishness and physical identification, a
consciousness dwelling in the animal, reactive mind. Their thoughts and
behaviours continually kill the Christ consciousness in them. Mankind generally
dwells in satanic consciousness which brings enslavement. 777 traditionally
represented humanity embodying a higher consciousness, being IN the world but
not OF the world. 888 represented
three-fold infinity, the Creator, Natural Law, Perfection in the Absolute. There is no such thing as perfection in the
flesh so humanity cannot be that. We can
become 777, which stands between God and the beast, when we purify our thoughts
and actions. Interestingly they put 777
on jackpot slot machines, as high level spirituality is deeply nested in your
Atheists believe that there are no
spiritual laws governing behaviour, so it is up to Man himself to impose order
upon each other, because they don’t believe in the existence of a spiritual
domain at all, let alone a creator or higher power. Atheists believe the universe is only
governed by physical laws which came from nothing for no reason or purpose. Life is one and done, lights out, and eternal
blackness. They may not accept a higher
power but they’ll devoutly pray at the altar of Scientism – state funded
‘science’, not true science. There is
little incentive to end human slavery called Government. The ruling class LOVE it when atheism infects
the minds of the masses. Atheists believe that Man is the highest power. This
is the reason why atheists are BANNED from being students of any Mystery
Tradition school because they are incapable of understanding natural law and
how it works, since they don’t believe in the existence of a Creator of these
laws, and it is the reason why they have been considered unteachable by every
school of esoteric knowledge in human history, including Freemasonry,
Rosicrucianism, the schools at Delphi and the ancient Greek mystery schools. Every mystery school nullified atheists and
told them to come back when they accept that a higher power exists. Atheists who want to be anarchists cannot be
anarchists. They don’t think that the
universal laws which govern morality exist.
“No Gods, No Masters” - you see this big in the punk rock scene. Nihilists also are rampant in the heavy music
scene. They are those who say
“humanity’s fucked, don’t care about anything”.
They’ll say that they feel sorry for the people who do care about
anything. The phrase “No Gods, No
Masters” is incorrect, they have got it wrong.
The proper saying for anarchy is “No Masters, No Slaves”. It means there are no rulers, it doesn't mean there are no rules. Without an understanding that a power higher
than mankind exists, there is no understanding of natural law and how it works
to bring us the consequences of our actions. So they, in becoming anarchists, would lead the world only to more
chaos. “I don’t care” creates a prison for
ALL of us. When you can say that you are neither a religionist nor an atheist, two false extremes which have no truth, people have no idea what to do with you. "I can't put you in a box, I can't put a label on you". You don't have to subscribe to any religion to believe there is a higher power in the universe - natural law is knowable
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