Over 72 billion animals are killed every single year, 15.3 billion trees are cut down single every year. And you think you're gonna live in peace? What goes around comes around. If you didn't know, trees are actually houses for birds. When you destroy habitats of birds, when you cut them down, they can't nest, they can't feed their young, what do you think is going to happen to your habitat? Millions of animals are put in cages. We call it the Zoo. If you put an animal in a cage what do you think is going to happen to you? Lockdown. It's called karma, what goes around comes around. This is a wake up call that says we have overrun the earth and need to get right by her or we will incur more karma. Like with this grab for power right now by the inorganic ones that are trying to collect as many souls as possible. They use fear. Fear is the lowest frequency, the base frequency, the most accessible. People are drawn to fear - don't blame it all on the media for giving you bad news, it's what you want, you like bad news, negativity, drama, gossip! It sells! If there is no demand for it, they won't supply it. People will have a few thousand subscribers on their channel but get over a million views on their videos because it's fear-based, but one million people are not subscribing to that channel. Their subconscious mind knows it's not good for their soul, but they are still watching it because fear is addictive. Why can't good news be more popular than bad news? Because you have to be at that same frequency to get the message. The solution is learn to change your appetite. Fear is the rock bottom foundation, love is the highest peak, harder to get up there because you have to do the inner work, shadow work. At the peak there are less people there but the air is purer. Love is more powerful than fear and positivity is more powerful than negativity. It beats the algorithms, which isn't supposed to happen, but happens because truth always prevails over lies. Righteousness and love always wins in the end. And right now what's happening on the earth it is time to choose love and stand up for our freedoms and value them. If you don't like what's happening in the world come out and speak your truth and say how you feel about it, instead of hiding.
Don't strike yourself out
The symbolism of the three wise monkeys tells of the strategy that each monkey had one defect but the two other senses worked. The deaf monkey used his sight to observe all around him and judge evil actions and used his voice report them to the second monkey who was blind. All the second monkey had to do without needing to see was repeat what he heard to the third monkey who was mute, and as this one couldn't talk, the message was lost at the end of the line. All he could do was observe the fate that would befall the unfortunate one and sit and watch it happen. What a way of genius the gods had for shutting them up, each one assigned the job of not interrupting the bad dream where everyone lies in tombs. In Japan the monkey became a negative symbol, if you give someone there a monkey as a gift it means you wish them dead. The proverb of the three monkeys that see, hear and speak no evil seems to point to someone who doesn't want to be involved in a situation. Turning a blind eye to what 'is' because it's perceived to be 'just the way life is, it's just the way things are', is to LIVE evil - or rather not live, and just be struck out. How bleak. A fourth monkey should come in and say Live No Evil. Reverse the word "evil" and you get "live". Live and let live! Allow life! You are All That Is and Ever Will Be Everywhere and Life Eternal. Open your eyes, listen and say something, for Heaven's sake. It's not, and never should be, 'just the way life is, just the way things are'. Harsh words. Thinking this is damning yourself off from Life.